Our Portfolio

Check Few Of Our Portfolio And How We Helped Them To Grow Their Business.

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Grow Online Agriculture App

App Install
50K App for Grow Online
20 INR Per App Install

What We Did: Our team of Facebook marketing, analyzed the app and started with linking the app to their Facebook page. Then, we started with Facebook ads and selected the objective “App Installs”.

Initially client decided to spend less and started increasing budget as soon as he started getting downloads.


Ocean Pure- Hot & Cold Water Solution in Sikkim

More Leads from Facebook Ads

What We Did: Client was already using Facebook ads from any other provider but he was not satisfied with the leads he was getting. We created a proper Facebook marketing strategy including Lead generation, Retargeting and Look A Like to increase the ROI of client.

Strategies We Applied:

Other Case Studies

Techtough- Online Toughbook Seller

More Leads From Google Ads
Monthly Budget
600 USD Per Month

What We Did: We created Google search ads and Shopping campaigns initially and also listed products in Google surface.
As soon as we started getting traction on our ads, we also applied remarketing and display ads for client.

VeePee International

Lead Generation
Monthly Budget

What We Did: Client wanted to reach wholesalers on Instagram and had a limited budget start with. After getting access to their Facebook page, we created lead generation ads and targeted SMEs with relevant interest in clothing industry.

We got a very good start and cost per lead was very low.

Recipe Website SEO

Website: Cant Disclose due to client security reasons.

Platform: WordPress

Service: Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine: Google, Yahoo, Bing

Strategy:Recipe Optimization and OnPage SEO for complete website

Fashion Blogger SEO

Website: Cant Disclose due to client security reasons.

Platform: WordPress

Service: Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine: Google, Yahoo, Bing

Strategy: Blog Post SEO and regular OnPage fixes of website.

Local Business SEO

Website: Cant Disclose due to client security reasons.

Platform: WordPress

Service: Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine: Google, Yahoo, Bing

Strategy: OnPage SEO for complete website Regular Blog Posting On Client’s Website and Promotion

Local Pizza Store SEO

Website: Cant Disclose due to client security reasons.

Platform: WordPress

Service: Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine: Google, Yahoo, Bing

Strategy: Blog Post SEO and regular OnPage fixes of website.

Pet Clinic Local SEO

Website: Cant Disclose due to client security reasons.

Platform: WordPress

Service: Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine: Google, Yahoo, Bing

Strategy: Blog Post SEO and regular onpage fixes of website.

Other Results

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