Facebook Marketing Company in UK-USA

Result Oriented Facebook Marketing Services That Drive Real Business Leads

Looking for Facebook marketing Services in UK-USA? Ei Techno is one of the foremost Facebook Marketing Agencies in UK-USA. We offer three different Facebook marketing plans exclusively designed to help our clients reach their marketing goals with our Facebook campaigns.

The average monthly costs for our Facebook Marketing Services are 150$ to 300$ USD Per Month.

Facebook Marketing Company in UK-USA

Our Agency Clients

Check out some of the precious clients we have helped with Digital Marketing and Website Development Services.

Trusted Facebook Marketing Company For All Types Of Facebook Advertising Services In UK-USA

Ei Techno is a Facebook Marketing Company that knows the minutiae of advertising on Facebook and has a record of helping a big clientele. Our professional Facebook marketing services can scale up quickly and make your business reach peaks.

Interested in our Facebook marketing services in UK-USA? Let’s Get It Started Now!

Facebook Marketing Packages


Best for Small Business

$ 210


Best for Mid Size Business

$ 340


Best for eCommerce Business

$ 600

Best Facebook Marketing Services For Businesses In UK-USA

Ei Techno is a Facebook Marketing Company in UK-USA that has a record of helping a big clientele. Our Facebook ads agency can scale up quickly and make your small business reach peaks. We have worked with many big businesses to increase their sales with our best Facebook marketing services in UK-USA.

When you partner with UK-USA’s leading Facebook Ads Agency Ei Techno for your Facebook marketing services, no matter which sort of business you run you’ll receive a unique Facebook advertising strategy that is centred on your brand.

Why Should You Invest In Facebook Marketing Services?

Facebook is the most eminent social media platform with approximately 2.93 billion end users. It is estimated that approximately 6 new accounts are made on Facebook every second.

Besides being the most popular social media platform, it offers the most favourable ground for advertising.

Why Should You Invest In Facebook Marketing Services?

Our Facebook Marketing Services Include

Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness

The Brand Awareness objective is ideal for businesses that want to increase the visibility of their brand. It focuses on getting your brand in front of as many people as possible. This objective is best suited for companies that are new to the market or have just launched a new product or service.



Traffic is a type of Facebook Ads objective that focuses on driving more traffic to your website or landing page. When you select “Traffic” as your objective, Facebook’s algorithm will optimize your ad delivery to show your ad to people who are more likely to click through to your website or landing page.

Facebook Engagement Ads

Facebook Engagement Ads

“Engagement” is a type of Facebook Ads objective that focuses on getting people to engage with your ad or content, such as liking, commenting, or sharing. When you select “Engagement” as your objective, Facebook’s algorithm will optimize your ad delivery to show your ad to people who are more likely to engage with your content.

Facebook Lead Generation

Facebook Lead Generation

“Lead Generation” is a type of Facebook Ads objective that focuses on collecting leads from your target audience. When you select “Lead Generation” as your objective, Facebook’s algorithm will optimize your ad delivery to show your ad to people who are more likely to provide their contact information in exchange for an offer, such as an e-book or webinar.

App Promotion

App Promotion

“App Installs” is a type of Facebook Ads objective that focuses on getting more people to install your mobile app. When you select “App Installs” as your objective, Facebook’s algorithm will optimize your ad delivery to show your ad to people who are more likely to download and install your app.
Catalog Sales Objective

Catalog Sales Objective

“Catalog Sales” is a type of Facebook Ads objective that focuses on promoting products from your e-commerce catalog and driving sales on your website or app. When you select “Catalog Sales” as your objective, Facebook’s algorithm will optimize your ad delivery to show your ads to people who are more likely to make a purchase.

Reasons To Use Facebook Marketing Services In UK-USA

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Facebook Marketing Results We Provided!

Advantages of Facebook Marketing Services

Reach Your Targeted Audience

Reach Your Targeted Audience

It does not matter where you are a B2B or B2C company, you can reach your targeted buyers easily on Facebook with the help of Facebook marketing services. More than 2.5 billion people use Facebook and this is more than any other social media platform these days.

Full Funnel Marketing With Different Objectives

Full Funnel Marketing With Different Objectives

With the Facebook AI, you can target your buyers very easily and you can use funnel based marketing to cater for them. You can make use of different Facebook Ads formats and objectives to reach your targeted audience like Video Ads, Carousel ads, Image ads etc.

Target Competitors With Right Facebook Marketing

Target Competitors With Right Facebook Marketing

if you know your competitors then you can take benefit of competitor targeting on Facebook. You can’t target fans of your competitor or any other pages but you can target those who have shown interest in your competitor brand as their interest.

Measurable Performance

Measurable Performance

You can set your objective during Facebook ads creation and install Facebook Pixel and it will show you how the data changes like how much money you have spent on your Facebook ads and how many impressions and leads you have received.

Facebook Ads Are Affordable

Facebook Ads Are Affordable

You don’t need to worry if you have a low Facebook marketing budget. If you are a small business then you can still advertise on Facebook and generate leads and traffic for your business website.

Make Use Of Remarketing Campaigns In Facebook

Make Use Of Remarketing Campaigns in Facebook

You can target those visitors who have visited your website but did not make any order yet with the help of Facebook remarketing campaigns.

Different Objectives in Facebook Advertising Services

There are different objectives as per your goal requirement. Please check below mentioned Facebook ads objectives: AWARENESS


Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness Ads Increase people’s awareness of your business, service or brand.


Show your ads to as many people as possible in your target audience and location.



Drive people from Facebook to any URL destination you select, like website’s landing page, a blog post, app etc.


Such ads Reach people that are more likely to engage with your post. Engagement includes likes, comments and shares but can also include offers claimed from your Page.

App Installs

Send people to the Play store or app store or shop where they can download your business’s mobile application.

Video Views

Target people that are most likely to watch your videos.

Lead Generation

Collect leads for your business through lead generation ads. Create ads that collect info from people interested in your services or products.


Such ads connect with people on Facebook, communicate with potential or existing clients to encourage interest in your business and services.



Encourage people to take a specific action on your website, like add items to cart, App Installs, register for your site, or make a purchase.

Catalogue Sales

Show products from your e-commerce website’s catalogue to generate sales.

Store Traffic

Promote local business in your location to drive traffic to your local business shop.

Promote local business in your location to drive traffic to your local business store

Our Facebook Ads Agency Works HARD, So That You DON’T MISS A SINGLE OPPORTUNITY

Do Facebook Marketing Services Really Work?

Do Facebook Marketing Services Really Work?

The dominance of Facebook advertising in the real world can be estimated from the stats below:-

Why Hire A Professional Facebook Marketing Company In UK-USA

It is always beneficial to trust a professional Facebook marketing company in UK-USA. This is the best way to achieve faster results in a lesser duration. The Facebook advertising agency helps to run the Facebook advertising campaigns by the experts. This can significantly increase the conversion rates, drive traffic and upsurge sales. With the help of a Facebook advertising agency, you can keep a close stare at Facebook’s algorithm and can be more technically sound. Facebook Advertising Agency can give you an all-around competitive analysis to determine your competitors Facebook marketing strategy.

How Does Our Facebook Marketing Company Boost Small Business Facebook Marketing

How Does Our Facebook Marketing Company Boost Small Business Facebook Marketing

EI Techno is a Facebook Marketing Company in UK-USA that knows the minutiae of Facebook advertising and has worked on many Facebook marketing campaigns. Our professional Facebook marketing services can scale up quickly and make your business reach peaks.

We strive to target audiences on the basis of our client’s goals by designing branded ads. We create catchy Facebook posts and share alluring pictures of our client’s products/ services that attract the visitor.

With our keen skills, we are able to focus on the more interested customers from a large group of people.

We know that every business is unique in itself, and a single Facebook Advertising Strategy can not work well for different kinds of businesses. Therefore, we provide social media marketing strategies that are customised to your needs and can bring a boost to your business.

Our Small Business Facebook Marketing Services Include:

Our small business Facebook Promotion services offer organic and paid advertising on Facebook. We always go the extra mile to help small businesses to make their Facebook promotion plan successfull. Here are the benefits small businesses can get with our Small Business Facebook Promotion Packages.

Our Organic Facebook Management Includes:

Paid Facebook Promotion Includes:

If you want leads and sales then our Facebook marketing services can help you to get them too. Our team will create a Facebook ads campaign as per your objective and give you the best outcomes from the Ads Campaign.

We Deliver What You Expect From An Expert Facebook Advertising Company:-

We know that every business is unique in itself, and a single Facebook Marketing Strategy can not work well for different kinds of businesses. Therefore, we provide Facebook marketing strategies that are customized to your needs and can bring a boost in your business or brand awareness. Sounds interesting? Check our Facebook Advertising packages now!

Need help with Facebook Advertising? Call Ei Techno today for Free consulting.

How Do Our Facebook Advertising Services Agency Work

Facebook Marketing Strategy We Follow To Promote Businesses

Audience Targeting

When we start any Facebook marketing campaign, we start with Audience Selection and how to target the best audience. It’s the most important part of any Facebook marketing strategy and if you target the wrong people to show your Facebook ads then you may not get the desired ROI from your Facebook advertising campaign.

The right Facebook marketing company will analyze your audience to drive relevant leads and quality traffic to your website or ads. This is what our Facebook marketing team focus on when you hire EI Techno as your Facebook advertising service provider in UK-USA.

Facebook Marketing Strategy We Follow To Promote Businesses
Facebook Ad Design

Facebook Ad Design

We create attractive Facebook ad designs to attract and motivate buyers in the first impression. You have multiple Facebook ads formats to run Facebook ads effectively like Photo or image ads, Video Ads, Slideshows, Carousels and a collection of images to express your brand message to your target audience.

When you hire EI Techno, our team decide what Facebook ads format is going to give you the best ROI.

We have experienced graphic designers and Video experts who can create better content for Facebook ads to deliver the message to your targeted audience quickly.

Facebook Ad Copy Writing

Facebook ads copywriting is the most important factor in any Facebook marketing campaign. When you plan to run Facebook ads then you should have your objective very clear.

If it’s a brand awareness campaign then you should understand the challenges your buyers face and brand value. If you own an eCommerce store or sell products online then you must explain the benefits of your products and why one buy from you.

Facebook Ad Copy Writing

A/B Testing of Different Ads and Landing Pages

Facebook campaigns fail if you don’t do A/B testing and strategy upgrades. There are two important factors of any Facebook marketing campaign first is Facebook Ad and landing page. If you have enough budget to do A/B testing then you can take better advantage of Facebook.

You should try different Facebook ads and landing pages to check which ad and landing page is converting better to increase ROI. Our team of Facebook marketing experts will take care of the research and development process to create different ads and landing pages to measure the performance of Ad Campaigns and landing pages.

Facebook Analytics And Ads Optimization

Our team of Facebook marketing experts analyze Facebook analytics to create a detailed report of Facebook marketing campaigns and this is the only way you can track the results your ads are getting. We monitor ads performance and do required Ads optimization to increase the performance of our Facebook marketing campaigns.

Interested in Learning More About Our Facebook Marketing Services? Contact Our Facebook Ads Agency Today!

if you are in search of the best Facebook marketing services then your search is over now. Contact India’s leading Facebook marketing company for the best and affordable Facebook marketing services now. Visit our Facebook marketing packages!

What Our Clients Say About Our Services?

Frequently Asked Questions About SEO Services

EI Techno Facebook Marketing Packages may cost anywhere between 140 USD to 385 USD per month depending on the project, whereas in UK-USA Currency it accounts from 10,000 INR to 28,000 INR plus 18% GST per month. Small business owners may start with a small package of 140 USD, mid-size businesses can consider going with a Facebook Marketing Package worth 250 USD, whereas the package of USD 385 can be viable for giant businesses or e-commerce businesses.

There are many reasons why Facebook is best for marketing purposes. First of all, it has a big audience base and easily lets businesses connect with their targeted audience. Secondly, it offers a big spectrum of Facebook Ads formats letting businesses traverse their message effectively, and thirdly it offers a playground to businesses where they don’t just connect to their targeted audience but also lets them measure the ups and downs.

All you need to do to get started with Facebook Marketing is to contact a professional, reputed, certified, and experienced Facebook Marketing Company. With the right Facebook Marketing Company by your side, you can expect to gain better results.

Advertising on Facebook is 100% worth it. It helps to reach the targeted audience, generate new leads, and gain more conversions.
A lot of things come under social media marketing which includes the posting of text, images, video, and other types of content that drives audience attention.
You can organically promote your Facebook page by making a Facebook Business Page. From that page, you can promote your business by posting high-quality images and videos, hosting contests and promotions, using Facebook stories and conducting live sessions, sharing customer feedback, and more.
Facebook Marketing is cheap. It lets you run ads at a low cost and reach a broader audience base easily. Moreover, it gives the liberty to businesses to run ads according to their budget.

Is Facebook marketing really free? It depends on how you use it. If you’re only using your personal profile to connect with friends and family, then yes, it’s free. But if you’re using Facebook to market your business, then you need to consider the cost of paid advertising.

Paid advertising on Facebook can be expensive, but there are ways to keep the cost down. One way is to target your ads to a specific audience. You can also choose to run your ad for a shorter period of time. And finally, you can use tools like Facebook’s Ads Manager to help you create and track your ads.

There is no doubt that Facebook has become one of the most popular social networking platforms on the internet. With over 2 billion active users, it is a great place to market your business. However, whether or not Facebook is effective for marketing is up for debate.

One advantage of using Facebook for marketing is that you can target specific demographics based on information that users have shared publicly on their profiles. This can include things like age, gender, location, interests, and more. You can also use Facebook to create custom audiences of people who have interacted with your business in some way, such as by visiting your website or engaging with your content on social media.

However, there are also several disadvantages to using Facebook for marketing. For one thing, organic reach (the number of people who see your posts without paying for advertising) continues to decline as the platform becomes more saturated.

Creating a Facebook Page for your business is the first step in marketing on Facebook. Once you have created the page, you can begin to populate it with information about your business. Be sure to include a link to your website and add photos and videos to help engage your audience.

You can also start marketing your business on Facebook by creating ads. You can target specific demographics and create custom audiences based on interests or behaviors. You can also use Facebook Insights to track the performance of your ads and see how well they are working.

Another great way to market your business on Facebook is by using boosted posts. Boosted posts allow you to promote your post to a larger audience, increasing the chances that people will see it and take action. You can use boosted posts to promote products, services, or even events.

  1. FB marketing is a great way to connect with customers and promote your products or services.
  2. By creating a business page on Facebook, you can connect with customers and potential customers.
  3. You can also promote your products or services by using Facebook ads.
  4. Facebook ads allow you to target specific customers based on their interests, demographics, and behavior.
  5. You can also use Facebook Messenger to connect with customers and provide customer service.
  6. FB marketing is a great way to connect with customers and promote your products or services.

FB ads cost can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the region you’re targeting, ad type, and budget. However, on average, you can expect to pay around $1 per click (CPC) for your ads. This means that if you want 100 people to click on your ad, your total budget would be $100. Keep in mind that these are just averages – your actual CPC may be higher or lower.

There are a few things you can do to keep your Facebook advertising costs down. First, make sure you target your ads appropriately so you’re not wasting money on clicks from people who aren’t interested in what you’re selling. Also, experiment with different ad types and see which ones generate the most clicks at the lowest cost. Finally, set a realistic budget and stick to it.


Small businesses have found great success in using Facebook marketing to reach new customers and grow their business. Facebook provides a great opportunity for businesses to connect with their target audience, share content, and build relationships.

One of the best ways to use Facebook for small businesses is to create a business page. A business page allows you to provide information about your business, share photos and videos, and connect with customers. You can also use Facebook ads to reach more people who might be interested in your products or services.

Facebook is also a great place to share content. You can share blog posts, articles, images, and videos. By sharing valuable content, you can help build relationships with potential customers and encourage them to visit your website or shop.

Finally, be sure to respond to comments and questions from customers. This helps build relationships and shows that you care about your customers.

There is no one answer to how much a small business should spend on Facebook ads. It depends on a variety of factors, including the size and reach of your target market, how much competition you have, and your budget.

That said, if you’re looking for some general guidelines, Facebook offers a few suggestions. They suggest starting with a small budget and then increasing it gradually as you see results. They also recommend testing different types of ads to see what works best for your business.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that Facebook marketing should be part of a larger marketing strategy. Your Facebook ads should be targeted at people who are likely to be interested in your product or service, and you should use other marketing channels to reach additional customers.

When you’re first starting out with Facebook ads, it can be tough to figure out how much you should spend each day. You don’t want to blow your budget on day one, but you also want to make sure that you’re reaching as many people as possible.


Here are a few tips to help you figure out how much to spend on your first Facebook ad:

  1. Set a budget and stick to it.

Decide how much money you want to spend each day (or week) and stick to it. This will help keep you from overspending and ensure that you’re getting the most for your money.

  1. Start small and increase gradually.

If this is your first time running Facebook ads, start small and increase your spending gradually.

Facebook ads can be very effective in reaching new customers and growing your business, but how long should you run them? There is no one definitive answer to this question, as the optimal duration for your ad campaign will vary depending on your specific goals and target audience. However, a good rule of thumb is to run your ads for around two weeks, then evaluate their performance and decide whether or not to continue them.

If you’re looking to generate leads or sales from your Facebook ads, it’s generally recommended to keep them running for at least a week. This will give you enough time to capture the attention of most of your target audience. However, if you’re only looking to increase brand awareness, you can probably get away with running ads for a shorter period of time.

There is no easy answer when it comes to deciding whether to advertise on Facebook or Instagram. Both platforms have their own unique advantages and disadvantages.

Facebook has a larger user base than Instagram, making it a great platform for reaching a large number of people. However, because the user base is so large, competition for attention is fierce and advertising can be expensive.

Instagram has a smaller user base than Facebook, but the users that are on Instagram are more engaged with the platform. Advertising on Instagram can be more effective because of this high level of engagement. However, reaching a large number of people is more difficult on Instagram than it is on Facebook.

There are a few things you can do to make your Facebook ad profitable. First, make sure you target the right audience. Use Facebook’s targeting options to ensure your ad reaches people who are likely to be interested in what you’re selling. You can also use Facebook’s ad optimization tools to improve the performance of your ad. Finally, experiment with different types of ads to find the ones that work best for your business.
There isn’t really a “best” day to run a Facebook ad – it all depends on your goals and what you’re trying to achieve. However, there are some days that may be more effective than others. For example, ads targeted at businesses may do better on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, when people are typically back at work and thinking about their next steps. If you’re running an election campaign, you may want to target voters on Sundays, when they have more time to spend online. And if you’re looking to increase brand awareness, you may want to run ads on Thursdays and Fridays, when people are typically more relaxed and have more time to browse the internet. Ultimately, it’s important to test different days and times to see what works best for your specific campaign.
Google Ads is better than Facebook Ads for a number of reasons. With Google Ads, you can specifically target people based on what they’ve searched for on Google. This means that you can target people who are actually interested in what you have to offer. Additionally, Google Ads allows you to create very specific ads, which can increase your chances of getting clicks from people who are actually interested in what you have to offer.

When it comes to Facebook ads, there is no one-size-fits-all answer for how much you should budget. But there are some general rules of thumb that can help you determine how much to spend on your ad campaign.

First, consider how much you want to spend on each ad and how many ads you want to run. You also need to take into account your target audience and what you’re hoping to achieve with your campaign.

A good starting point is to allocate around 2% of your total marketing budget to Facebook advertising. But if you have a limited budget, start with a smaller amount and increase it slowly over time as you see more success.

There is no question that Facebook is a powerful marketing tool. With over 2 billion active users, it’s a great place to reach your target audience. However, there are pros and cons to using Facebook marketing.

The pros of Facebook marketing include the ability to target specific audiences, high engagement rates, and low advertising costs. You can target people based on interests, demographics, and even their purchase history. And because users are engaged with Facebook, they’re more likely to see your ad and take action. Advertising costs on Facebook are also much lower than traditional advertising methods such as TV or print ads.

There are some cons to using Facebook marketing as well. First, it can be difficult to stand out from the competition when everyone is using the same platform.

There is no one definitive answer to this question. The amount of time it takes for Facebook ads to become profitable depends on a number of factors, including the size and demographics of your target audience, your campaign goals, and the type of ad you’re using.

However, if you’re looking for some general guidelines, here are a few things to keep in mind:

According to a study by Social Media Examiner, it can take anywhere from two to eight weeks for Facebook ads to become profitable.

For brand awareness campaigns, it may take longer to see a return on investment (ROI). However, once you have determined your target audience and refined your campaign goals, you can begin seeing results more quickly.

When it comes to Facebook ads, you want to make sure you’re running the right number for your business. You don’t want to overwhelm your audience with too many ads, but you also don’t want them to forget about you. So, what’s the sweet spot?

There are a few things to consider when deciding how many Facebook ads to run. The first is your budget. If you’re on a tight budget, you’ll want to limit the number of ads you run each day. You can always increase the number of ads later if you find that they’re working well for your business.

Another thing to consider is how often people see your ad. If you’re running a new ad campaign, it might take a few days for people to start seeing it.

When you create an ad on Facebook, you first need to determine your campaign objective. Your objective will help you choose the right type of ad, and determine where your ad will be shown.

There are many different types of ads to choose from, but the most common are:

-Display ads: These ads appear on the right side of users’ News Feeds.

-Sponsored stories: These ads appear in the News Feed and are similar to display ads, but they also include a friend’s endorsement.

-Text ads: These ads appear as small text links at the top of users’ News Feeds.

-Carousel Ads: These are newer types of ads that allow you to showcase multiple images and links within one ad.

-Lead Ads: Lead Ads allow you to collect leads directly from Facebook without having people leave the site.

Yes, you can sell on Facebook without a website. In fact, many businesses use Facebook ads to drive traffic to their products and services without a website.

Creating a Facebook ad is easy. You can create an ad in minutes by choosing your target audience, creating a compelling headline, and designing your ad.

Facebook also provides a wealth of targeting options so you can reach the right people with your ads. You can target people by location, age, gender, interests, and more.

Facebook ads are an effective way to reach new customers and grow your business.

There are many different types of Facebook ads. You can choose from a variety of objectives for your ad, such as getting people to visit your website, install an app, or buy something from you. There are also several different types of ads to choose from standard ads, carousel ads, video ads, and Collection ads.

Can’t decide which plan is right for you?

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